Published on August 15, 2004 By Darrian In Stardock Software
I cannot use CursorXP 1.3 with Windows XP SP2. Whenever I do and I mouse over a system window (e.g. task manager, system properties, mouse properties, desktop properties, pretty much any control panel setting, etc.) that window will disappear. In some instances it will cause explorer to crash and reload continuously. The only fix I've found is to end the cursorxp.exe process and uninstall cursorxp. Then I still have mouse control, but no mouse cursor, so I can't tell where the mouse is. The only fix to that is to logoff or reboot and then log back in. If I haven't uninstalled cursorxp the explorer crash will begin again. Am I the only one experiencing this problem? Is there an updated build, even beta, of cursorxp due out in the near future?

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on Aug 16, 2004
Well, I know I won't be updateing to SP2 anytime soon. I need my Cursor XP!!!

Anyway, they probably will come up with a fix (unless there is something else going on with your computer... check for spyware and any viris)

Also, try to chat with some of the developers on the stardock user forums newsgroups. That might help.

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on Aug 16, 2004
Yeah, the more I hear about this SP2 the less I want it on my PC. I'm sure it has some good things about it, but I've heard more complaints and problems with it than anything else.
on Aug 16, 2004
This is my only real complaint with SP2. On a sidenote, my roommate and girlfriend don't have this problem. It may be my chipset or something. I'm running an nForce 3 250gb and they're running older 32-bit boards.

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on Aug 25, 2004
I lost my hard drive, will I have to purchase Cursor XP again to install the Cursor XP plus?
on Aug 25, 2004
#4 by Citizen raevan - 8/25/2004 11:47:04 AM
I lost my hard drive, will I have to purchase Cursor XP again to install the Cursor XP plus?

No, of course not, just go here>

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on Aug 25, 2004
i think sp2 has an issue with cursor xp under 64 bit processors... im guesing that since you have an nforce 3 your using a amd-64

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on Aug 28, 2004
Yep, that would be the problem. Guess I have to wait till either a cursor xp update or an nforce driver update and try again. Kind of sucks, I've become quite attached to my cursors

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on Sep 16, 2004
Just upgraded to sp2. I'm using the AMD-64 processor (but running standard 32-bit WinXP home)... and all works fine (WindowFX, WindowBlinds, CursorXP, BootSkin, Logon Studio, etc.)

(Although I did have to disable DEP to stop the computer from crashing due to WindowBlinds being perceived as a virus/trojan by SP2's DEP).

If you have problems, uninstall via the ADD/REMOVE control panel, the make sure the entire folder is deleted off your harddrive. Reboot & re-install.

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