Published on May 15, 2007 By Darrian In WindowBlinds
Windowblinds is like Stardock's flagship product, but we still don't even have a beta with x64 support?! Instead we get Tweakvista (which completely hosed my OS and forced me to reinstall Vista from scratch) and new builds of LogonVista (which offers no improvements over the betas, which worked absolutely perfectly anyway). Then there are previews for a new Stardock Central, even though the current one works perfectly fine. I'm sure OD 2008 is going to be great, but it would be nice if 2007 worked, first (IconPackager doesn't completely work right in Vista, though it works well enough for my purposes). Progress on other programs is great, but there hasn't been any word or even an estimate on when we can expect Windowblinds to work. Has Stardock completely abandoned this product? WB and Iconpackager are the sole reasons I have an Object Desktop subscription, and Microsoft is really pushing the 64-bit OS (which I think is great, even though some of their own products like OneCare don't work). I don't see the point in renewing if the programs aren't going to work, especially WB and IP. The only other app I use is ObjectDock, which for some reason isn't included in Object Desktop, so I had to buy that separately, anyway.
Comments (Page 1)
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on May 15, 2007
From the WindowBlinds developer...

The Vista 64 bit version of WB 5.5 is currently in testing.

on May 15, 2007
Thats true, thanks Island_dog!
on May 15, 2007
I have the same problem as Darrian , and get NO answers either about 64bit
whenever I ask , sad .........
on May 15, 2007
Things happen during software development.  Projects take longer than expected, new features are thought of and added, other projects or problems take precedence, people get sick or leave the company.  Software development is as much art as science and things happen that get in the way of meeting deadlines.

While most people understand these things on a personal level, when it's a BIG FAT COMPANY, especially a software company, people freak out when milestones are missed.  Oftentimes customers complain bitterly and loudly like their rights were violated.

And yet, no one cares if milestones are met.

So, it'll be ready when it's ready; when it's been tested with as many systems internally as it can be reasonably tested on.

Then when it's released into the wild there will be bugs because we all do different things with our PCs and the devs will go nuts with fixes.  After that there will be joy and peace over the forums. 

Until then, don't ask.
  And if you ask, don't expect an answer.
  And if you get an answer, don't tattoo it into your arm.
  And if you tattoo it into your arm, don't throw a fit and demand a new tattoo if the date slips.
    Things happen.  
on May 15, 2007
Vista support is being updated as quickly as possible for our programs. Obviously this is being done in most popular packages first to keep as many customers as happy as possible as quickly as possible. Please be aware many software packages are in alpha and some are available for beta through Stardock Central. If you check in with Stardock Central you will see in the news posts the moment a update is available. Please rest assured that everything is currently in the works. And I do mean everything.

on May 15, 2007
If anyone would take a picture right now there would be a line of children, one deep, across the front window of the (candy or toy store or even the bakery shop, take your pick) eyes, noses and lips pressed against the glass!!!!!

I guess it's true what they say "a child will grow up to become an adult, but you can never stop the adult from acting like a child".

Whatever happened to patience being a virtue?

Okay enough with the kidding around, I must admit it was fun. How about giving Stardock time to atleast do some of thier own testing before releasing a beta version to subsribers. What do lyou think?

Have a nice day and be careful out there, don't catch a virus!!   
on May 16, 2007

Whatever happened to patience being a virtue?

Thank you for that 'lone voice in the wilderness', very commendable.

on May 18, 2007

Okay enough with the kidding around, I must admit it was fun. How about giving Stardock time to atleast do some of thier own testing before releasing a beta version to subsribers. What do lyou think?

I think x64 support was expected to come with 5.5 final, and XP x64 support is already included, so perhaps they should have finished their product before releasing it. I also think that it's been in "testing" for quite some time now. I wouldn't be at all surprised at this point if we have to wait until WB6 or later. I understand that it takes a while to code and to work out the bugs, and that they don't want to (intentionally) release buggy software to their customers. However, most "final" versions of Stardock software are at least a little bit buggy, despite sometimes months of beta releases, and there are usually constant updates until the kinks are mostly ironed out. I don't think that releasing a beta version with x64 support would be uncalled for, as long as it's reasonably stable, or at the very least a rough estimate as to when we might expect one.

on May 18, 2007
How long has it been since MS sent out beta versions of Vista x64? I wounder if Stardock started to work out the kinks when it was sent out. I bought OD when I had XP but Stardock was saying the x64 ver. of Windowblinds was comming out soon. So I went out and bought a new notebook with Vista Ultimate x64 on it thinking it would be a month or so. Now my OD is about to expire and I am not sure if I even want to renew. IP would also be nice. The current ver. does not change any of the Internet Explorer, My computer, and Trash bin icons. Vista support would be very nice but if none of the OD componets work well on it then I can do without OD.
on May 18, 2007
Why can't you all either wait or email Stardock Support?

These forums are for users helping users when they's not an official Stardock forum and not for bitching about why this or that isn't ready.

If you have a problem with a program, maybe someone here can help if they've had a similar problem.

If you have a gripe about a timeline or a feature in a program, contact support and don't whine to the other users.

We're in the same boat as you.
on May 18, 2007
I don't want to be critical of Microsoft but if someone wants to complain about the length it takes to support 64-bit, yell at how Microsoft implemented their 64-bit support. It's a royal pain.
on May 19, 2007
I dont see anyone yelling. And I have emailed Stardock. and got no response. i thought this was a place to ask questions, For people like me, i dont know where to present the questions other than here. I dont know how MS impmplemented the x64 system thats why i asked. So instead of being so sensitive, kindly point me in the right direction and ill go from there, but there is no need to assume that I or anyone else knows as much as you or other people about the issue. i pay for this service so I wanted to use it to try to get answers, so "its people like you why I wont pay for the WC sub. and will do without Stardock and OD" And by the way I was not complaining, I was stating my situation. Complaining would be"

on May 23, 2007
After pouring through these forums and the Stardock site, I have yet to find the answer to the simple question...What is the estimated release date for WindowBlinds with Vista x64 support? I know it's in testing, but beyond that I really dont know if I should expect it this month, this quarter or this year.

Also, is there any way to find out which of the products within the Object Desktop suite support Vista x64? I can't find the answer to this question either on any of the product information pages or from Stardock Central.

Thanks very much.
on May 23, 2007
Also, is there any way to find out which of the products within the Object Desktop suite support Vista x64? I can't find the answer to this question either on any of the product information pages or from Stardock Central.

From the Spring Update:

What about 64 bit support?
This article isn't about 64 bit support.  While we do know that many of you are very concerned over this since you moved to 64-bit when Vista came out, we currently don't have a schedule we can give you.  Certain items like WindowBlinds and IconPackager are definitely coming soon, and others such as DeskScapes and TweakVista already have 64-bit support.
on May 24, 2007
Thanks very much for the reply. But that didn't really answer either of my questions did it?

Why can you give estimated release dates for everything EXCEPT Vista x64 releases? And is there anything else besides DeskScapes and TweakVista that will run under Vista x64?
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